Stockton Theatre Club

The other day I attended a meeting for the Stockton Theatre Club. Since it was one of their first meetings and there were many new faces, we played a games and afterwards went around introducing ourselves. There were many members who major in a part of theatre, including aspects related to backstage work, but there were also many other majors. The club is great for anyone interested in theatre, on stage or behind the scenes, and it seems like people can get a lot of experience with it at the club, with their many events and workshops.

Some of the upcoming events include Whose Line Is It Anyway? shows, workshops and a performance of monologues. The Whose Line shows are improvisation shows where actors do skits and the audience comes up with the characters or scenario. I have been to a few and they were very funny and entertaining. I definitely recommend going to one. The next one, I believe, is in late October, but there will also be more after that. They also do workshops on different things in theatre run by the seniors and professors, so that people can improve their skills and learn. I know there will be many performances that people can go see as well if they are not interested in the actual acting or behind the scenes work such as the performance of monologues which is coming up soon, plays, musicals and many others.

            I am very excited to be a part of the club this year and am looking forward to being involved in these events. They seem like they will be a lot of fun and I would recommend going to at least some of these events. The theatre club meets on Thursdays at 4:30 pm in the experimental theatre lobby, which is downstairs from the PAC, so come and check out the club!