Get Involved Fair

On September 20th, I attended the ‘Get Involved Fair’ hosted in the academic building, on campus. This event also took place the next day with the same clubs and greek societies. I was looking forward to joining many clubs, being active on campus, and meeting new people. I met up with my friends around 11:00 AM and we all walked to the start of what seemed like a chain of a thousand tables. Anime, quidditch, or neuroscience- I found these clubs particularly unique; however, the club I most connected with was the Global Health Team. The president, Francesca, was very friendly and explained the club’s mission. I enjoy helping others, and I aspire to travel to new places so this club really appealed to me. Other than this club, I also found the Animal Friendly Organization interesting. I have a passion for animals and the organization often volunteers at local animal shelters, so I wanted to be part of the fun! I noticed that they do fundraisers and donate to animal shelters as well, I look forward to making a noteworthy cause in this club. Another club that I signed up for was the Latin American Student Association. I joined this club not only because I’m Hispanic, but also because they have fun events and interesting meetings. In an upcoming meeting they will be discussing the Hispanic culture, such as parenting and growing up compared to other cultures. Throughout the Get Involved Fair session, I was able to meet leaders and other freshmen who were interested in clubs, like me.