Presidential Debate Watching Party

This past Monday, September 26, Stockton’s Office of Service Learning hosted their first “Presidential Debate Watching Party” in the Board of Trustees room. It provided a fun atmosphere for anyone interested in politics and the upcoming election to gather together and hear what the two candidates had to say.

The Office of Service Learning did an excellent job setting up the event. They provided popcorn and drinks, and had round tables set up to help foster discussion among attendees before the debate started. There was even a separate screen off to the side which displayed live tweets about the debate- a useful tool which showed immediate responses from all over the world as things began to get heated. In addition, they created bingo cards, which included phrases such as “only I can do it” and “tax returns” (What prize did the winners receive? Presidential Pez Dispensers!). Personally, this was my favorite part of the night, as it encouraged attendees to listen carefully to the rhetoric of each candidate.

Coming from a high school where nearly everyone fell on the same side of the political spectrum, I found it refreshing to hear and see students supporting both candidates. I believe that hearing both sides is very important in a healthy discussion, which is why the only thing that I would suggest adding to future events is a more formal discussion/analysis after the debate ends. Some students stayed for a few minutes to discuss with their friends, but I think it would be beneficial for everyone to hear from students with different backgrounds and consider the arguments of those with contrasting political views. Overall, however, I found it to be a great experience, and I look forward to the next debate!