Fall Fitness

Amidst the numerous assignments, projects, and papers that need completion, first-year college students can easily gain the dreaded “Freshmen 15” if they neglect to fit exercise into their academic schedules. However, with the availability of free fitness classes offered by the Wellness Center in Stockton University, freshmen don’t have to worry about going off-campus to stay in shape.

Every week, students can look forward to Monday and Wednesday evening Zumba classes in the I-Wing gym, while Tuesday and Thursday evenings offer Boxercise classes. (Beware, the intense cardio and strength training can make you sore for days!) If sweating off stress doesn’t sound appealing, then yoga offered on Tuesday in the Lodge, and Thursday in the TRLC, can also put the mind and body at ease.

Going to these classes helps in many aspects of achieving optimum health. Not only do they aid in staying fit physically, but they also improve emotional health since exercise and meditative techniques in yoga relieve stress. Furthermore, exercising with others also creates a support group who helps sustain motivation throughout the workout session. Rather than focusing on how difficult a Zumba dance may be, or how challenging it is to do one hundred pushups, everyone in the gym can maintain their energy and return every week to repeat the process.

What I like most about Stockton’s fitness classes is that they fit easily into one’s schedule. As long as night classes or sports don’t interfere, there is bound to be at least one weekly fitness class that will suit almost everyone’s schedule. Even just attending Boxercise once or twice a week is better than not going at all. Plus, based on the past two weeks I have been going to Boxercise, my body has felt stronger and healthier since I first arrived on campus.

Additionally, fitness classes can vary the activity of a previously established exercise routine. For example, I regularly use the Nike+ Run Club app to track my runs around campus. But with the addition of Stockton’s fitness classes, my exercise routine benefits from a number of activities other than just running. These fitness classes have helped add more structure to my routine, allowing me to actually look forward to my evenings—rather than contemplating about what to do. Especially with the immense amount of free time after academic classes, they help me stay on my feet and maintain an active lifestyle.

Since the start of fall fitness classes on September 12, my attendance at most of them has provided me with many more reasons as to why I love it here at Stockton. My days are filled with academic rigor, while my nights are filled with either upbeat dance combinations, intense ab workouts, or relaxed breathing. Altogether these free activities make me feel content with my choice to attend this college, and I can’t imagine going anywhere else. I haven’t felt this productive with my daily routines in a very long time, and I hope it continues for the years to come.

-Jillian Umali