Amazing Race Treasure Hunt

Nube Airiana Munoz


The Amazing Race Treasure Hunt took place on August 31st of 2015 and was sponsored by the Stockton Entertainment Team. This event took place later in the day and would prove to be a solid and exciting challenge. First, students had to get into groups of four. Once the teams were set and the creative group names were chosen the rules for the Amazing Race Treasure Hunt were provided by members of S.E.T. Every team had to come up with correct answers to various and clever descriptions of different locations and offices located at Stockton University. Once the team was finished brainstorming for a solution to the description, the entire team would have to go to that location and have a student who was running the event verify that the group was indeed correct.

Indeed the event had students work up a sweat as they speed walked all over campus in an extraordinary effort to solve as many descriptions as possible in the given and limited time frame set by the Stockton Entertainment Team. There were more than forty places to visit. Isn’t that crazy?

Behind every awesome event lies a purpose. The Amazing Race Treasure Hunt wasn’t just another fun activity for students to participate in. It was a learning experience for incoming freshmen and transfer students of Stockton University. This event allowed students to find out where different offices and buildings were located on campus. People found out about many things that they simply did not know about before, everything from the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities all the way to the Richard E. Bjork Library. The special quality of the Amazing Race Treasure Hunt has to do with how it turned something ordinary into a fun event. Upperclassmen could have just shown us around campus just like a standard and basic high school or middle school orientation, but instead a considerable amount of time was taken to plan an event where students could discover where their classes were located while still having some good fun and competition.