Stockton Gaming Club

Stockton University has a very diverse group of clubs. There are religious clubs, club sports, major related clubs, and clubs you join just to have fun. Stockton Gaming club is one of the clubs you join to have a good time with people looking to do the same thing. The meetings are every Wednesday night and they start around 7 or 7:30 in the upper level of the Campus Center Coffee House. The longer you attend the meetings, the more you start to realize that the club meetings never really “end.” Everyone there is friends, so the meetings just end when everyone decides it’s time to go back to their dorms or go home. The environment reflects this friendly attitude as well. There are so many games going on at one time, it’s hard NOT to feel included! There are board games, card games, video games and PC games all sprawled out across the area. Even if there isn’t currently a game going on that you want to be a part of, the Gaming Club provides a rolling cart stacked with a multitude of board games that you can grab and start playing with your friends at any point during the night!

Not only is the club a really fun way to break up your week, but the people you meet there are really nice and helpful. If you need help connecting a controller to a console, or are playing the game for the first time, the people around you will always help and be friendly. Stockton Gaming Club has become a place where I go with my friends, but still look forward to making new ones every Wednesday that I go. It’s a place I know that I can go to and not feel self-conscious if I want to talk about a game I like, a TV show, some characters from a game or show, or anything really that might make me feel uncomfortable in other places. The environment that’s created and the surrounding people are wonderful and what truly makes this club stand out from the rest.

This club has become one of the highlights to my weekly routine, and I look forward to seeing the same people every Wednesday night. Yeah, the club has goals like all of the other clubs on campus, but in what other club can you  achieve your goals by hanging out with your friends, sitting around in a big group cheering on one of the players or playing yourself, making new friends with the same kind of interest that you have, and playing one of your favorite games?