Club Fair

On September 16th, and 17th Stockton held their club fair in the academic wing. This was an opportunity for people to become more aware of what Stockton has to offer. The University has diverse opportunities for students to get involved in whatever interests them. The clubs range from fraternity and sorority to the gaming club. The clubs that I went to were Chemistry Society, Physics Society, Admission Ambassador, and the community garden.
Going into the fair being a science major, I knew I was going to sign up for the science societies. Around every month they have a meeting where the club plays around with equipment and has study sessions. What I didn’t expect was that the Admission Ambassadors pulling me over. Ambassadors works with possible incoming freshman by helping them get to know what Stockton has to offer. The table of people were very welcoming and kind. They are trying to get more people involved with the position, especially men because the last graduating Ambassador class had a lot of men. Even though it takes some time to get trained to become an Ambassador, the role can be extremely rewarding, often Ambassadors receive internships and connections when they are working. It is important to find a persons individual voice, this can lead to leadership roles, which is good to put on transcripts. Another perk of joining is that eventually Ambassadors can get paid for helping people out.
The community garden is what a person might expect, growing fruits and vegetables for the school. The club might sound boring to some but I believe it is important for humans every so often to connect to our roots with nature. It is easy to get caught up with the hustle of school and constantly being surrounded by technology. It has been too often that we don’t stop to admire the simple things in life. Nature is so elegant in that it has a very simple look but can be so beautiful and intricate at the same time.
The Get Involved Fair showed me that there is something to offer for anyone. I am looking forward to applying for an Ambassador positon and a start to the different clubs that I signed up for.