Computer Society – Brian Gembara

As a Computer Science major, I particularly enjoy the Stockton Computer Society; it’s a student organization for those technically inclined people who really love computers. Every Thursday at 4:30 pm there’s a different module or activity focusing on how computers work and how we can do cool things with them. Typical computers aren’t the only focus in this club – they actually have a Lego Mindstorms set which contains programmable components to create robotic Lego constructions. At a recent meeting those present learned how to make panoramic image spheres using the same technology as in Google Earth’s street view. At an upcoming meeting there will be a computer building module – going through the process of putting a computer together piece by piece. The best feature about this club is that it’s open to anyone – no experience necessary. In this club, technologically inclined students can explore the complexities and amusements of computing alike – all while finding people with the same interests as them. Activities range from the simple to the advanced, and guided learning and practice is exercised so that no matter what one’s skill level is, anyone can still follow the guidelines. This club offers something cool to do and learn about each week within the domain of computers and modern technology. To get started in this club you’ll have to contact Professor Roubos in D wing since the venue changes each week. There’s no doubt that people can do fun and interesting things with computers, and in the Computer Society, we can show you how to do just that!