Three days before Welcome Week marked the beginning of S.O.A.R., or Stockton Outdoor Adventure Retreat. Two hundred Stockton students packed all of their stuff into their cars, moved into their dorms, and said goodbye to their parents. They grabbed their bags and drove off on buses to Camp Ockanickon. The camp was located in the woods and was spacious and pretty. The lake reflected the entire sky, and the paths wound their way through the tall trees. The setting was very calming and simple, a reprieve from the bright and distracting world that we are accustomed to.

The three days passed like minutes and were packed with activities. One of the most popular activities was the high ropes course. People strapped into their full-body harness and donned helmets while climbing up walk walls and rope bridges. The most popular activity was the leap of faith where participants had to climb up a narrow pole, stand on top, and jump off, attempting to hit a ball high up in the air.

The days were filled with sunshine and activities like swimming in the lake, canoeing, and archery, while the nights were filled with comfort food and games. We could admire clear night skies and stars that were not clouded by the pollution we were used to at home. S.O.A.R. was so memorable because it removed comfort zones, allowed memories to be made and friendships to bloom.