Get Involved Fair

I opened the door leading to I Wing and was greeted by a mix of loud chatter from people and loud music. My friends and I walked through the halls, looking for what interested us among the throngs of tables and signs. Really, I was excited for the free stuff that was available for students to take, but I was also looking forward to seeing what would interest me.

I dragged my friends along, going to specific clubs that I knew that I would find interesting, but also those that I wasn’t sure whether or not they would pique my interest. I tried to walk slowly so I could really see what clubs were available, but certain clubs just grabbed my attention. I found myself gravitating towards the Newman Club and those clubs that had to do with my major. I also signed up for some clubs so that my friends wouldn’t have to join them by themselves. They all sounded pretty interesting, and I can definitely see myself going to some of these meetings with my friends. As I walked down the hall, I realized that all the clubs had their little quirks that made them interesting, and in the end, I ended up signing up for more than I probably should have. And maybe, I took one too many free pretzels and free lollipops from all the stands.

Walking through the main building and seeing all the clubs and all the people present made me realize how active this school really is. There were so many clubs and organizations present, it was probably impossible to find something that wasn’t interesting. Just the atmosphere made me want to be involved in something in the school. I’m looking forward to attending club meetings and getting to meet new people after being at the Get Involved fair.