First Honors Meeting

On Tuesday, September 8, 2015, many Honors students gathered for the first Honors meeting of the 2015-2016 academic year. Many returning students were involved in the planning of the meeting as well as attending the meeting. Siena Stucki and Professor Rosner shared the responsibility of running the meeting. It was held in room F207 from about 4:30 until 5:00. Free pizza was offered before the meeting began and after it ended. There were several kinds including peperoni, veggie and plain. Drinks such as lemonade, iced tea and water were also provided. All new freshman and transfer member of the honors program were invited. The e-board was present at the meeting. Questions about Service Learning were discussed as well as information about the blog posts. The honors yearly requirements were reviewed. Zeal checked in with everyone attending to make sure all mentors had heard from their mentees and all mentees heard from their mentors.

The popular events of the year hosted by Honors were explained and given approximate dates for. Some new projects were proposed, such as going to a concert together. Other events that occurred in previous years and are being planned again are pizza and pong and a trip for Honors freshman. Pizza and pong will be held in Event Room 5 in the Campus Center on a night Friday in October. We are encouraged to wear costumes to this event if it lands near Halloween. The Honors Program is celebrating its tenth year here at Stockton and will be offering a small reception and a presentation discussing Stockton many years ago. Our program will be getting evaluated by an outside evaluator this year. He will give suggestions on how we can improve our program to reach its full potential. He will also meet with some of the Honors students on an individual basis. We were encouraged to discuss any changes or additions we would like to see to our program to him. For example, a larger honors room may be necessary due to the increase in Honors students admitted into the program, or an extra faculty member to help guide activities and give more support to our growing program. Freshman are also invited to talk to the evaluator about their experiences so far with Honors. We had a wonderful meeting and many topics were addressed. The next meeting is sure to provide many new ideas and events to look forward to!