Build Your Own Fish Tank

The night of Tuesday, September 22, 2015, was truly a night to remember. Stockton Entertainment Team (SET) put together an event for students of all years and dorm rooms to enjoy and share together. There was a school of fish, decorations, snacks, and it was all free! Not only was it a good night to bond with my roommate, but I came back to my dorm with a new friend named Merlin.

The Campus Center Coffee House isn’t only a house for coffee, but it’s home to many events that SET puts together for the students of Stockton. The atmosphere of the room is warm and welcoming – a good place to hang out and relax. SET chose this spot for a really fun and exciting event, an event that was surprising for me to believe was real. I could go to the coffee hose, relax with my roommate, and make my own fish tank for my room. There was a long table set up with a big tank in the middle. It looked like hundreds of little goldfish were swimming around happily. Along the sides of the tank were the little plastic tanks – which would soon be the new homes of the goldfish – and bright colorful gravel, shells, and little palm trees to make the plastic tanks fun and exciting decorations for your dorm.

SET did a very good job of keeping the event organized. After swiping my ID into the event, the member of SET gave me a little blue fish card. Having this fish card meant that I would indeed receive a little fish to put in my tank. There could have been other people that didn’t receive a fish card, because the turn out for the event was quite extraordinary. However, if someone didn’t receive a fish, they were still able to decorate a tank and take it back to their dorm, and, if they so wish, could go to the PetSmart down the road and buy a ten cent fish of their very own.

Not only could I decorate a tank for my room, but SET also provided fish themed snacks for those attending the event! Fish tenders with cocktail and tartar dipping sauces were available, along with a refreshing ocean colored raspberry flavored jell-o for dessert; drinks like lemonade, water, and iced tea were also provided. And I didn’t have to swipe and use a meal from my meal plan to eat!

Altogether, building my own fish tank for my room, having some snacks, spending time with my roommate, and experiencing one of SET’s popular events made for a great night.