Day of Service

The Day of Service was on the 12th of September this year. This event was run by the office of student engagement. It was an informative day, brimming with new details on the multiple ways Stockton’s community needs people to get involved. This day, although extremely interesting and helpful, was not what I expected. Our RA’s and other Honors students had described past years experiences differently than what this year was. I was expecting hands on activities, some on some off campus. The different spots were more lecture style, not bad just surprising, as I was expecting a more active day. The most hands-on activity there was the Books Without Borders presentation, where I was part of the “heavy lifters,” moving cartfulls of books from different spots on campus back to the theatre to be sorted and re-packed. This was the best activity because it made me feel good to actually be doing some community service as opposed to just learning about what to do for the community. Both are important aspects that are intricate parts to creating change. This event taught me to view civic duty in a new light. However I just feel that next year this event could be better balanced between learning and doing. The seminar on prescription drugs, and the dangers of heroin abuse in New Jersey also taught me things I didn’t know before such as the facts on why this drug has become especially common in New Jersey, such as the availability and purity and price of it. An officer from the Stockton force also explained some new information on a new drug called NARCAN that revives people from a deadly high, or drug overdose. I made new friends doing Books Without Borders, one of whom steered and controlled an empty book cart we rode downhill on the way to pick up another load. I would love to be involved in a program that integrates more active service events next year.