S.O.A.R. Much Fun

If this post is a stick, and the post below this is a stick, are YOU a stick? In all seriousness, SOAR was a spectacular experience that allowed many incoming freshman to come out of their shells and meet new people.  When all of the freshman arrived for the early move-in day, they were all strangers to one another.  Sure there was a simple “hi” or “hello” every now and again, but no one really knew each other yet.  As our T.A.L.O.N.S. began to divide us into our tribes and taking attendance, everyone started coming out of their comfort zones and were starting to meet some new friends.  For some, these friendships would last permanently.  All of the freshman began boarding the buses for our 45 minute trek to the campsite.  The bus ride to the camp was the first time when many strangers started to talk to each other and create a bond.  As the freshman arrived at Camp Ockanickon, it was like entering some sort of state of limbo.  It was some place between familiarity and the unknown.  After unloading all of the suitcases and duffle bags, the official SOAR experience had finally begun.  The freshman unloaded their stuff in their cabins and met there bunkmates.  These cabins came equipped with air conditioning, and HD television, microwave, refrigerator, Xbox, and a swimming pool! I’m just kidding, it came actually with spiders, mosquitos, and a small wooden bench.

The next order of business was to meet the camp staff.  Every single member of the staff was extremely friendly, caring, and extremely helpful to everyone.  I’m not sure if the freshman or the staff had the most fun!  Some of the activities that the freshman got to do at SOAR included; archery, canoeing, swimming, and obstacle course on the water. yoga, and kayaking.  These activities were done during the campers free time.  One of the first main activities at SOAR was a concert by the faculty band.  They had the freshman dancing like crazy people, especially with “Sweet Caroline”.  Their was also a campfire with some amazing stories too from the staff as well.  The two main events at SOAR were the low and high ropes courses.  The low ropes courses made the freshman work together as a team to get through various cognitive problems.  The high ropes course allowed us to push out of our comfort zone and try things that we have never done before.

One theme that stuck with many of the freshman was to “chase your lion”.  What this means is that you find something that you fear, and you conquer it with all your might.  This is the most important take away from SOAR for all the freshman and is something that they will remember for the rest of their college and professional lives.