Day of Service 2015

With the help of several faculty members and volunteers, Stockton University hosted its 12th annual Day of Service on September 12, 2015. Though participants are encouraged to engage in service projects regularly, this event takes place once a year.

When first arriving, volunteers chose to be on one of four teams. Each team then rotated among four different service projects. For my team, our first stop was in C-wing. Topics for this presentation included the services ACUA (Atlantic County Utilities Authority) offer, opportunities at Stockton’s very own organic farm, and information on the Water Watch Club. What stood out for me was the actual harm that bottled water poses on someone’s health. It’s just the type of information companies do not warn about.

Next, we learned about the dangers of prescription drugs and heroin In Atlantic County. We also learned of the ways we can help others cope with addiction. Another interesting project was definitely working with Books without Borders. We helped this club package books for underfunded libraries. The day ended with information on how to educate oneself on current matters of government. During this time I registered to vote. I also learned about the Petey Greene Project, a program in which volunteer teach prisoners hoping to get a GED. I learned how our generation really needs to know what’s going on in the government we’ll eventually take over.

While many enjoyed this day, most can agree that the event did not meet expectations. Many new-comers anticipated more hands-on projects, instead of just learning about them. Volunteers from previous years preferred the old way Day of Service was organized. Overall, the day inspired me to get more involved.