The Voice – Presented by SET

On November 8th at approximately 8:00 pm, the Stockton Entertainment Team – also known as SET- hosted their own version of the popular American singing talent contest, The Voice. Having many aspects of this program based off of the NBC show, SET had four judges sit on stage and choose contestants. These judges were to swivel their chair around during any contestant’s performance when they heard the voice of a singer they wanted on their team to take under their wing during the show’s brief intermission.

At the start of the event it was announced there would be eleven contestants, and three rounds. Many of the contestants did not come with a prepared track to sing to. They instead chose to sing their songs acapella, meaning they had no background music. The only contestant that did come to the show with a prepared track list was, the Honor’s Program very own, Krista Thomson. The musical background truly helped to enhance her performance, a feature all other contestants lacked. Because of this set back, the general performance quality was not as high as anticipated. The judges’ buzzers, which were meant to indicate that they wanted a performer on their team, never worked for any of the judges. This drastically changed the show. The buzzers never cooperated with any of the judges and had to be removed from the table before the first contestant was done performing. This unfortunate circumstance made it unclear as to which judge choose each performer first. Because of these factors, the entire event seemed to lack any true planning or rehearsal.

Overall, the Stockton Entertainment Team tried their best to provide students with an entertaining contest that was enjoyable for all involved. For the most part they did a pretty good job. With the exception of what seemed to be a lack of preparation, The Voice was enjoyable. It was nice to see fellow students bravely get up on stage and sing their hearts out, all for the grand prize of a Buffalo Wild Wings gift card.