Gamer’s Club

Like many colleges, Stockton has a wide variety of clubs, activities, and organizations. One of these clubs is the Gamer’s Club. The Gamer’s Club meets every Wednesday at around 8:00 p.m. and goes on until midnight. Like the name suggests, the main activity of Gamer’s club is games. The kinds of games played are card games, board games, and video games. While some board games are provided, you have to bring your own video games. From time to time, events are held. These events are usually tournaments held with a certain video game. Other times free food (usually pizza) is brought over.

In my time spent in Gamer’s Club, I can say that it is quite enjoyable. I’ve been going to it ever since I’ve heard of it (which was around the beginning of the semester). All the people that I met are quite friendly. I even took part in a tournament (and won a 10 dollar gift card from it), and it was very fun. I highly recommend taking part in Gamer’s Club to anyone who enjoys playing games.