Scholarship Recognition Dinner

On Tuesday, November 18, 2014, Stockton held their annual Scholarship Recognition Dinner.  This dinner brought together faculty, scholarship recipients, donors, and President Saatkamp.  This night was created to recognize students who continually achieve academically and also to thank those donors who made it possible for the students of Stockton to receive scholarships.  The recipients of these scholarships and awards ranged from freshman to graduate students.

Upon entering the Campus Center Event Room, one could see it was going to be a night of extravagance.  It began with speeches from faculty and President Saatkamp.  After the speeches came to an end it was time for dinner.  It was a buffet style dinner with plenty of options from raviolis to stuffed chicken.  While eating dinner, the recognition speeches began.  A leader from each of the eight Schools approached the podium to introduce the recipient of a scholarship from their respective Schools.  These recipients recited speeches that outlined their academic journeys at Stockton and how the school has impacted their learning abilities as well as their abilities to excel in their fields.  During the speeches we were served desserts.  It was by far the best dessert I have had while attending Stockton.

After the speeches ended the dinner came to a close.  Before leaving, all recipients were asked to join together in the lobby for a group picture.  This picture represented the hard-working students that appreciate education and the support of donors who are helping each of us to continue in our education.

Overall, I really enjoyed the event.  However, there were some aspects of the night that I felt could have been handled better.  These aspects include a lack of food for the tables that were called last, assigned seating in no particular order, as well as a lack of seating.  When speaking about a lack of seating I mean that students were turned away from entering the Scholarship Recognition Dinner when RSVPing due to a lack of space.