Economic Teach In

On November 6, 2014, I went to the Economics Teach In which was held right outside F-111. It consisted of multiple economic professors speaking about the significance of the casino closings in Atlantic City. In addition to the professors, there were dedicated economists to the specific issue, and individuals who support the people whom are affected. Knowing very little on the subject other than the general idea that the casinos are closing and in some way or another someone is being affected economically. I did not take into consideration a point which Dr. Oliver Cooke focused on was the multiplier effect. With the casinos closing in Atlantic City, it is obvious to realize that people are being hurt within the city, but the surrounding cities are harmed as well. For example, many people lived in the cities around Atlantic City and commuted there for work within the casinos. This caused a significant decrease in spending for consumers due to the lack of a paycheck that the former workers had, so cities around Atlantic City are being just as harmed financially speaking.

An emotional note that was brought up was an organization that helps the people stricken by poverty in the now failing city  by trying to get them back on their feet in help with finding a job and while the process is happening, the organization provides food and clothing to the job seekers and their families.