The Voice!

Attention all singers! Stockton’s Entertainment Team (SET) hosted its own version of the hit television show, The Voice! On November 12, 2014, ten hopeful singers set out to win big in this singing competition. The event took place in the Campus Center Theatre Room at 8:00pm. As I was ushered in, I noticed that there was a pretty large and supportive crowd in the audience. Before I knew it, four judges began to take their seats on stage and the show began. The first round consisted of ten singers who sang a one-minute version of their chosen song. After all singers completed their auditions, the hosts stated that there was going to be a fifteen-minute intermission. During this intermission, the singers would meet with their coaches to receive some constructive criticism that would help them do better in the second half of the competition. Also in the intermission, the SET team provided refreshments for all audience members such as soft pretzels and root beer/orange soda floats. Once I ate my food, I headed back inside to wait for the second half of the show to begin. When the hosts came back on stage, the second round of competition began. In this section, all ten singers were asked to perform another one-minute song that would be used to decide who would make it into the top four. After all singers completed their audition, the judges deliberated. While they were doing so, all of the singers made an impromptu song where each singer contributed his/her own beat or lyrics. It was pretty awesome! Finally the judges were finished deliberating, and the results were in. The top four contestants were chosen and each winner won a $25 gift card to Buffalo Wild Wings.
I think the SET team did a great job in organizing this event. Even with a limited number of participants, the show went off without a hitch! I applaud the organization for altering the rules to fit the time frame of the show. I think it was a fair way to allow all participants to really showcase their talents. Finally, I think all of the participants did a great job, especially my fellow floor mate Krista Thomson!