Lolla No Booza Spectacular

On Thursday, October 30, the SET club held a Lolla No Booza party in the event room at the Campus Center as a nonalcoholic Halloween party. It was a free party where one can dress up, dance, win prizes, eat, and just have fun without the assistance of alcohol. At the dance there were tables with drinks that were to represent alcoholic drinks minus the alcohol, made in fun and creative ways in order to send the message that parties can be enjoyable without alcohol. It was a huge success as many people, including me, arrived to the event. The DJ was very good, and next to the DJ were TVs that would play the music videos of the songs he played, which was interesting. I was very glad I went, and I even won a spa gift card.

I dressed up as Alice from Alice in Wonderland, and I loved dressing up in my costume, and also seeing what others were dressed up as for Halloween. We ate pizza, which SET made sure was well stocked with boxes stacked high of plain and pepperoni pizza pies. We were each given a round of tickets at the door, and then went to the back of the room to place our tickets on prizes we wished to win. A common theme in the prize baskets was definitely Ramen noodles and Easy-Mac; I think there was definitely a food theme involved. There was a chance to win spa gift cards, a free TV, tickets to amusement parks, gift cards to stores and shops, and many other options.

We danced for the rest of the time until the lights turned on and we were kicked out; we had so much fun dancing and singing to our favorite songs remixed to dance to. Later on, the dance ran a costume contest in which my friend, Becca, came in second place. Then, there was a dance contest in which my other friend, Brian, came in second place. We had a lot of fun, and I was very happy that I went to the event. The party was able to mix fun with a little education, which is a hard feat to overcome. Overall, the event was very successful and had a big turnout; it definitely persuaded me to go to Lolla No Booza next year.