Blog 2-MARS Club Meet and Greet

Earlier this month, on Wednesday, October 1, I had the pleasure of attending the MARS Club barbeque, a chance to meet with and greet new and returning MARS Club members. The MARS Club is sponsored by the Marine Science department, and is an outlet for MARS students and those interested in marine biology alike to get together and discuss important topics, observe research, and find new ways to get involved with the environment we have fallen in love with.

The event, originally scheduled to be hosted outside behind the Campus Center, was forced to move indoors due to inclement weather. The downpour, though, had no impact on the meeting. A great time was had by all, as we were able to meet new and familiar faces. Another great opportunity arose to meet our future professors of different aspects of marine science. It was great to see the families of our professors, as well as those who we would have in semesters to come.

The MARS barbeque was a great way to re-learn everyone’s names and majors, as we had only held one interest meeting before the event. It definitely helped me get acclimated with the club, and was an awesome outlet for me after a long day of labs and classes. I look forward to more MARS meetings and events, and I am grateful for the opportunities it provides for MARS students.