Stockton Myths and Legends

On Thursday October 9, I attended the Stockton Myths and Legends event. Myths and Legends was a heroic homecoming event for students and faculty. The event was hosted by staff and alumni from the first two years of the college. The panel talked to students and faculty about Stockton around the time that it was first beginning. They discussed the different influences and philosophy that helped to shape Stockton into what it is today.

At the beginning of the event, the panel introduced themselves and mentioned their favorite part of campus. They started with talking about Stockton in the beginning of its years. It turn out that Stockton started at the Mayflower Hotel. Eventually, land was bought to start building the Richard Stockton College that we all know today. One member of the panel used to be an architect, so we were told about how the college was designed to create an interactive environment. The academic building was based off of a strip mall so students would pass each other in the hall and always see each other. The panel talked a lot about their memories of Stockton in its early years and how it has changed since then.

Overall, I enjoyed the Stockton Myths and Legends event. There is a lot of history to Stockton that most people probably don’t know about. I found it interesting that Stockton started out of a hotel before the actual college campus was built. I like that I could learn the about the unknown history of my own college. I believe that I can now appreciate Stockton even more after hearing about the different events and challenges that helped to shape the college into what it is today.