The Red Cross Blood Drive

On September 17th, 2014, I volunteered for the Red Cross Blood Drive at Stockton’s, “Big Blue” gymnasium. At this one-time event, from 2 to 3 pm, it was my job to greet, sign people in at the front desk, and confirm and book appointments. Everyone who worked at the Blood Drive was compassionate, friendly, and ready to assist donators. The gymnasium was set up with a dozen blood-drawing stations, a waiting area, and a snack bar. Throughout the hour there was a constant flow of students donating blood, and every station was full of people.

It was a wonderful experience helping those who were donating because I was exited to assist those who were assisting others. I felt a great sense of connectedness to those who were donating blood and working the drive because we were all there for the same reason, to help others. Since I was a young child, I have always been afraid of seeing blood and needles; so being able to help the cause without being pricked by a needle was a win-win situation. However, next year at the blood drive I plan to conquer my fear and donate blood to further extend my service those in need.

The saying, “time flies when you’re having fun” was completely true during my hour of volunteering. I thoroughly enjoyed my time spent helping the Red Cross Blood Drive service program and only wished I signed up for more than one shift. The feeling I sensed while helping others without expecting to receive anything in return was a feeling I found to be like no other. After leaving the gymnasium, I felt uplifted, like I made the biggest difference in the world, even though what I did was miniscule in comparison to many other community service events. However, community service will always play a large role in my life in college and beyond.