Day of Service 2014

The Day of Service was a life-changing event that I will never forget. The fabulous day started at seven in the morning when a couple of my friends and I went to get breakfast before the event. During breakfast we talked about what project we wanted to do that day and we decided that doing a beach clean-up would be a lot of fun. We browsed the list of projects and came across, “The Shores of Wesley Manor”. The first thing that came to our minds was that this has to be a beach clean-up and that it would be fun going to the shore for the day. After signing up for this project we realized that it was not a beach clean-up but a senior center. Although what we thought of the project and what the project actually was ended up being very different, we still decided to go to the senior center because we also enjoy being around the elderly and helping others.

The Shores at Wesley Manor was a great experience. Spending the day with the elderly and keeping them company brought joy to my heart. As a volunteer there, we had to pack give away bags for the event that they were hosting the next day. This took the six volunteers about two hours to complete because of the amount of bags that we had to put together. When we completed that we were given the opportunity to spend time with the senior citizens. This was an amazing time, because we were able to bowl with them and talk to them. Watching the elderly bowl was a pleasant sight because this little task made them extremely happy, which made me smile. Seeing other people happy always brings joy to my life.

We wrapped up the day by cleaning up the outskirts of the building. We picked up all of the trash that was on their property and made sure The Shores of Wesley Manor was spotless. Although our task was so simple, it really made an impact on my life. Helping people is such a rewarding feeling even if it is a small offer and a simple task. It was nice getting to know the senior citizens and talking to them about life. I will never forget the women that I met that day.