Get Involved Fair

Hailee Tocco

Honors Service-Learning

Professor Rosner

20 September 2014

Of all the advice I received before starting college, becoming involved on campus was the most beneficial. Stockton’s biannual Get Involved fair ensures that all students have the opportunity to find compatible clubs and organizations that align with their hobbies and interests.

Walking into the main campus building was overwhelming at first, with hundreds of tables set up along the hallway and an abnormally loud noise level. People were everywhere, talking to club leaders and participating in games to win prizes from various organizations. Each club had an enticing display, and many were offering food to encourage interest.

I first stopped at the Stockton Action Volunteers for the Environment table, a club that is dedicated to improving environmental conditions both locally and globally. Next on my list was Circle K, which is a service-oriented program that participates in a variety of events. Finally, I stopped at SET, the Stockton Entertainment Team, where I learned about the activities that are planned for the upcoming semester and won a pair of SET headphones.

In my opinion, the Get Involved fair is wonderful at truly connecting students to a club that interests them. By hosting the clubs and organizations in the main campus building, it is ensured that most everyone will be able to observe the happenings and pop by a few booths at one point or another. The ease of viewing all that Stockton has to offer is encouraging in itself, because I may not have felt so inclined to sign up for multiple clubs had I been required to go to several informational meetings on different days and at different times.

       Stockton truly does offer opportunities that are sure to please everyone. Furthermore, everyone is quite friendly and willing to take their time to thoroughly explain the significance of their club or organization. If you missed this fall’s Get Involved fair, be sure to check it out in the spring.