Get Involved Fair

As a freshman student walking through the halls of Stockton, it gets pretty lonely sitting in the Campus Center alone, day after day. It’s hard to make friends when you aren’t on a sports team. It’s hard to make friends when you don’t live on campus. It’s hard to put yourself out there when you fear the person will reject your invitation for lunch. The Get Involved Fair was the perfect solution to introducing people to other people with similar interests.

The hallway of tables were a tiny bit intimidating because there were so many options to choose that it was hard to narrow down. There were community service clubs, sororities, fraternities, academic clubs, intermural sports, leadership clubs and many more. The members of the clubs present at the tables were eager to help interested new students sign up. They made me feel comfortable about choosing clubs and activities that pinpointed my desires and goals.

There are many students at Stockton ranging from different ages to different majors. It is comforting to find other people with similar interests within the large school. Stockton College is very mindful of their students whether they live on campus or are commuting like myself. The Get Involved Fair makes it easier for students to come in contact with those people while enjoying fun activities on and off campus.