Blog #1: Stockton Theater Club

On the evening of September 24, 2014 at 7:30, the doors to the Richard Stockton Campus Center Theater opened up to approximately fifty students waiting in line for the comedy show “Whose Line is it Anyway?”.  The comedy show, hosted by the Stockton Theater Club, features seven student performers who act out a series of improvisational games that often include audience participation.  Performances are held monthly, and each month introduces new cast members as well as returning veterans such as show host Amber Pierdinock.

Before entering the theater, audience members had the opportunity to write down suggestions for two games:  “Party Quirks” and “One-Liners”.  These suggestions, written on scraps of paper, would be selected at random from buckets at various points in the show.  Upon entering the theater, audience members were greeted by the cast sitting on stage: senior host Amber Pierdinock, senior co-host Josh Dutko, seniors John Wisienski and Madelaine Welch, junior transfer student Madeleine Favazza, and freshmen Christian Jimenez, Phoebe Gruetter, and myself, Erin Toye.  As the show started, audience members quickly picked up on the style of comedy, giving suggestions for scene prompts, actions, and character-choice.  With a few minutes remaining in the show, senior cast members performed a final skit known as “Helping Hands”, in which John and Madelaine acted as arms and hands for Josh and Amber during a spoof of a cooking show.  The audience was left in an uproarious laughter as Josh and Amber attempted to make a sandwich with “their” hands, ultimately ending in a mixture of ingredients tossed both in their faces and on the ground.  The actors took their bows and with a final applause, the audience exited the theater with laughter.

Overall, as a performer I am glad to see that the audience enjoyed the comedic improvisational show.  I also am lucky to have joined the theater troop and have bonded with colleagues whom I am happy to call friends.  I will be participating in more events with the Stockton Theater Club, including next month’s rendition of “Whose Line is it Anyway?”, and we hope to draw an even bigger audience.