Saving Lives One Pint at a Time

On Wednesday, September 17th and Thursday, September 18th the American Red Cross sponsored a blood drive at Stockton. It was held in the Sports Center from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., where many, including myself, volunteered to give up their blood to someone else who needs it more. It is where everyone, including students and staff, come around to help a never ending cause. Most of the donated blood goes to help burn victims, surgery patients, cancer patients, and many others who are in need of blood transfusions. There are billions of people in this world, and only a small fraction actually donate, making each person count.

When I signed in I had to read a packet on what it means to donate blood, and who receives the benefit of my donation. It outlined what to expect from donating blood and any side effects that may occur. The packet also highlighted the importance of eating a good breakfast that is rich in iron. It also noted that my blood would be tested, and if anything came back positive they would notify me. Also, it had a long list of precautions against donating if I have been in contact with anything that might contaminate and risk the blood I would be giving to other people.

    The medical technicians were very courteous and took many precautions before I donated to make sure I would be safe and that those receiving my blood would be safe. When I was donating, the nurses were there the whole time, making sure I was okay. I laid down for about ten minutes, until I had a pint of blood filled, plus some test tubes to be used for testing. They precautioned me against working out and heavy lifting, and to drink plenty of water throughout the day. The volunteers offered food and drinks after I donated to help balance my sugar levels. The American Red Cross also provided opportunities for other students at the school, and allowed for those with nursing majors to volunteer and work the blood drive. This being my third blood donation, I have been through this process before, but this was more organized and thorough in my opinion.