Freshman Blog #1: Annual Day of Service

On September 6, 2014 at 8 am, Stockton began hosting its annual Day of service, where various clubs and organizations plan various projects for us to choose to do. I arrived at the Campus Center 10 minutes before 8 to sign in, got a Stockton Serves T-shirt, and grabbed a cup of coffee and a muffin. After I sat down to fill out a waiver form, I met up with my Honors classmates and asked them what project interested them. They unanimously voted on WaterWatch, an on-campus project.  Since I wanted to work with my friends, I decided on WaterWatch as well. After breakfast, we went to the Board Room where the Day of Service council members gave us a brief lecture about the various projects. After the long lecture, we knew that WaterWatch is a community service project that is designed to keep the environment healthy.

Our 11- man squad was assigned to clean around West Quad, campus buildings A-J, the gazebos, the Arts and Sciences building, and the front and back of the Campus Center. Since we know that would take long for the whole squad, we devised a plan. Our 11- man squad was broken up into 2 mini groups: one of the mini groups were to clean the Arts and Sciences buildings, the gazebos, and A- F wings while the other mini group were to clean up the rest of the assigned areas. Even though we did not find that much trash, there were minor issues about cigarette butts. The gazebos were littered with cigarette butts.

Overall, the experience was fun. We all gave 100% dedication to doing the WaterWatch, not to mention, we socially bonded with each other and shared fun moments. It was a great way to demonstrate that we cared about the environment. After a day of hard work, we settled down at the Coffee House to get lunch and do a reflection about our project. We discussed the good things and the bad things about the project. By participating in this event, we all have understood what the true meaning of service is and what we can do to change the community around us.