A Fishy Night

Alisa Iacovelli

Life of the Mind – MWF 9:55

On September 16th, a rather creative event was held in the campus center.  The event was called “Build Your Own Fish Tank” and it was exactly what it sounds like… you got to build your own fish tank!  At my friends and I just walked by and did not give the event a second thought.  However once we saw everyone else with their neon colored fish tanks, we thought it would be fun to make one ourselves.  While taking a closer look, we noticed that not only did they have the fish tank section put up, but there was also a food section with all fish-themed foods such as Goldfish, fish sticks, and gummies in the shape of fish.  This was a cute and innovative idea to keep people interested in the event after they got their fish, or while they were waiting in line.

There was a large number of people at this event, making it chaotic at first.  The most chaotic part of the event came when the staff realized there were more people at the event than they planned for.  At this point, the staff asked everyone to line up neatly, and they started to hand out fish bowls to everyone in line.  This allowed everyone in line to know if it was worth waiting or not.  Unfortunately, my friends and I were at the part of the line where they ran out of fish bowls and we were told that there was not enough for us.  We decided to leave since there was no point for us to stay any longer.

About an hour later, my friends and I had a craving for pizza from Primo’s in the campus center.  While walking through, we realized there was about 20 fish left, but only 3 people still in line.  We asked the staff member if we could have one of the fish and he told us that we could take as many as we wanted as long as we provided our own fish bowl.  This made our night complete!  We took three goldfish in a bag and walked them back to our dorm.  We gave it to one of our floormates to hold while we took a drive over to Target for fish supplies.

Unfortunately, the $21.30 that we spent on the fish was a waste because they only lasted several days, however it was definitely a fun experience!  We went on an emotional rollercoaster from this event:  starting out skeptical, getting excited, being disappointed, then excited again made an ordinary night something different.  I don’t know many colleges that let you build your own fish tank, and I must say that I thought this event was extremely successful and creative.