Freshman Blogging Project: Day of Service

For my first honors service project I participated in the 11th Annual Day of Service at Stockton College. On Saturday, September 6th of 2014, I assisted the Water Watch club in a campus clean up. This service project consisted of approximately thirty students who split up into several groups to efficiently clean up different parts of campus with the materials provided by the club. All the groups were energetic and motivated to leave the campus spotless by the end of our project. At the end of the day as we took one last look around campus, we felt a sense of pride when we realized all our hard work paid off.

The most popular form of litter on campus was cigarette butts. After the Water Watch groups completed the clean up, we held a discussion to pose ideas on how we can minimize the amount of cigarette butts around our school. One solution we proposed was providing more smoker outposts around the school. Even though we do not want to promote smoking anywhere else besides the designated gazebos, we feel it would tremendously reduce the amount of litter if there were more outposts to discard cigarette butts. We also came up with the idea of posters and advertisements reminding students to properly throw out their cigarette butts and facts about the negative effects cigarette butt litter has on the environment.

Overall, the campus clean up was very productive, enjoyable and rewarding. Thanks in part due to the Day of Service, my love and interest in the environment has deepened. The sense of pride and joy I felt after cleaning my campus has lead me to continue my service by fully joining the Water Watch organization to participate in more campus clean ups and other activities to further express my love for my Stockton community.