NAMS Poster Viewing

Blog 14: NAMS Poster Viewing

On April 26th, several students presented their research and findings on the projects they’ve been working on for anywhere between one semester and three years.

After walking around the atrium about three times, a few posters caught my eye, especially the one that focused on the effect of a protein called TACE of Alzheimer’s disease. Another poster focused on the mathematical aspects of ecology by representing graphs, both 2 and 3 dimensional. Several equations were used to calculate different aspects of an environment. In addition, there was another student who focused on raccoon diseases, but more importantly, the vaccines that help prevent these lethal diseases. Finally, there was one student who focused on coral and their growth. Two years in the making, this poster was called, “Analysis of the Effects of External Electrochemical Charge on the Astrangia poculata Transcriptome.” The student took the DNA sequence of the coral at several stages in the experiment to find out the effect of injecting electricity into the coral.

Apart from making advancements in fields of varying fields of research, the posters also allowed students, especially freshmen, realize the extent to which Stockton can reach out to a multitude of ideas and interests. The poster that caught my eye the most, I realized, was the one most related to the medical field and mental illnesses, and this helped me ensure that I’m making the right decision in going into the medical field after graduate school ,medical school, or wherever else I may wind up.

This event covered biology topics (which I found to be most interesting), as well as chemistry, physics, and mathematics. Walking by all the posters inspired me to do research of my own, which would help me in deciding on a future career.