Blog 4: Chong Night

Blog 4: Chong Night

            In the well-known N-Wing, Chong is the cashier who swipes each student’s ID card to get a meal. As we walk in, my friends and I look forward to the compliments from Chong, as well as a short conversation. As finals come to an end and stress is slowly being lifted off the students’ shoulders, this night of Christmas songs and food made by Chong is a great way to transition into winter break mode.

Chong Night, a night dedicated to the beloved cashier, was near the end of the semester, right before winter break. It involved Chong singing Christmas songs such as “Feliz Navidad,” as well as others. Not only did she provide entertainment during our meal, but she cooked everything that was served that night! The menu consisted of potato noodles, vegetables, and many other options that are not usually available to the students. This was a fun way to change it up at N-wing, and take the students out of their daily routines.

This only goes to show Chong’s dedication to her job! After sitting in the cafeteria for some time, my friends and I saw Chong’s family, who came to watch her perform. The best has yet to come- aside from the food and family, everyone was given their very own Chong face! This made the night as instant hit; everyone became Chong in a matter of seconds. In fact, my roommate and I still put them in front of our faces when we’re least expecting it! In this way, Chong night gave us a way to relax throughout the semester.

As well as being an enjoyable time, Chong Night allowed the Stockton community to give back to Chong, who always seems to enjoy her work and putting a smile on everyone’s faces. With the workload piling high toward the end of the semester, Chong Night gave me a way to relax and have fun in the middle of all the studying and stress.