Shine a Light on Slavery

On February 27th, Stockton Christian Fellowship set up a table for Shine a Light on Slavery Day.  It was a part of the End It Movement campaign to end modern slavery.  They displayed a poster showing information about the movement as well as the cause and how to become a part of the campaign.

The movement was not only about saying that one is against modern slavery.  Anyone can post about it without really doing anything about it.  End It Movement is about going out into the community and volunteering time to educate people and notice the signs of modern slavery that could possibly help save a life.

As part of Stockton Christian Fellowship’s movement, the students placed markers, drop cards, and post-it notes.  Students were encouraged to draw a red x on their hands and tell everyone about what the End It Movement is all about.  Once students marked their hands, they were asked to write a brief message about the End It Movement and then sign their name.  The post-its were then placed onto the mirror in the shape of an X so people both inside and outside could see the X.

Students were given drop cards with information about the movement and its website so they could learn more on their own.  Another group was tabling next to Stockton Christian Fellowship collecting funds to help people who fell victim to human trafficking.

The turn-out was not as large as the club anticipated, but there is no telling how many people received the message either through friends or Facebook.  By spreading the information, it is the club’s hope that more organizations will do things in the future to help spread the word and Shine a Light on Slavery.