Celebration of Service

Stockton hosted the 3rd Annual Celebration of Service on April 17, 2014 from 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM in F wing on campus.  During the event, I also noticed a few tables set up in lower C wing with service projects on display.

There were not many tables set up.  A majority of the tables had posters but there was very little explanation as to the projects presented.  One of the tables in F wing was hosted by the Wellness Center where they were discussing sex and safety.

In C wing, Kappa Sigma and Delta Delta Delta had a table where they were taking donations to help children with Leukemia.  They had a poster on the column in the middle of the hallway advertising their cause as well as a brief description of the disease that they were raising money for.

Also, there were few people walking around and actually stopping at the tables to speak with the representatives seated there.  As it was also Honors Scholars Day, I was walking around with a high school senior, and the tables did not seem to really catch her attention as we wandered around the halls.

At the end of the day, as I walked outside the Campus Center, I noticed a cluster of purple flags placed by the UBSS club on campus.  There was a sign that dictated that the flags were in representation of the 3000 people who commit suicide every day.  This project touched me the most out of everything I had seen.  Rather than just set up a table, they made a statement.

In the future, I hope that the Celebration of Service will grow and that more organizations will actively participate in the event.  There are many service projects that occur on campus, and a lot of classes join their requirements with Service Learning.  By having a greater turnout at the Celebration of Service, more students would know about and attend the various service projects offered on campus.