Animal Shelter

On April 12, 2014, the Stockton Honors Program attended the Atlantic County Animal Shelter to do volunteer work.  From cleaning up the yard to doing laundry, the Honors students in attendance had a lot of work to do.

The event began at 9:00 AM, so everyone had to meet up at the Arts and Sciences building at 8:30 so everyone could arrange for rides and get to the event on time.  Once at the animal shelter, everyone was given a brief tour of the facilities, and then they were assigned their tasks.

The group was split in half:  some going outside to clean up litter and doggie doo doo while the other half remained inside to clean the windows and the lobby.  Once everyone had completed their assigned tasks, they met up inside to be assigned the next ask:  emptying out the garbage.  After this, it was time to help take care of the cats.

Students cleaned litter boxes and cages, helping the workers move the cats around to allow for cleaning.  They also brought food and water to the cages as a worker filled up the bowls and passed them along.  Those who were allergic to cats were allowed to go into the back room to do the laundry.  They filled and emptied both the washer and dryer as well as folded and sorted the pile of dry clothes that had yet to be put away.  These students went back and forth from the laundry room to the lobby to lend a hand where needed.

At 1:00, everyone gathered outside for a group picture then headed back to the cars to return to Stockton.  Once back at the school, everyone met up at Primo’s in the campus center to enjoy a meal together and talk about the service project.  There was no reflection session attached to this particular project.

In the end, the only regret voiced by students was that they were unable to take care of the dogs and help out more during their time at the shelter.