Town Hall Meeting With President SaatKamp

Town Hall Meeting With President SaatKamp

On November 13th, the students of Stockton College received the opportunity to do what other colleges in the nation have never seen before, that is, host a Town Hall Meeting with their President and ask him question after question as they so please. And how did the students respond to this opportunity? As Stockton Students, they demonstrated that they have issues they wanted to be heard, and so they came out and voiced their concerns to President SaatKamp himself.

A few of the questions asked by prominent and developing students revolved around pertinent Stockton issues. A few of those issue were regarding the GPA requirement for graduating with honors, Stockton’s status as a possible University, Greek life, a tuition increase, and much much more.  President SaatKamp was able to thoroughly and thoughtfully answer each of the questions asked and when he couldn’t provide the best answer possible, he let someone with more experience and knowledge answer. He referred to Len Farber of Student Development and even the Provost of the College.

The Student Senate was instrumental in organizing the event. They took the time to heavily advertise the event, and hosted the event, assisting students ask questions. The event was packed with the administration, and people who only wish to see this College and the community rise higher and higher. Thank you Stockton, for the wonderful opportunity you offer.