
This past week I went to a Headliners meeting in the Campus Center Lounge. I really wish I had known about these meetings earlier in the semester because so far it has been my favorite event. To be honest, I only attended the meeting because I needed to go to a dialogue session for the Honors Service Learning requirement and this was the last one that fit into my schedule. When I entered the meeting I recognized Daniel Tome and then there were about seven other students whom I did not know. We sat in a circle and read through the New York Times and picked a few headlines that caught our attention. I was confused at first because all of my friends told me that at their dialogue sessions they just listened to a lecture and did not have to participate. I was excited to discuss some interesting topics with amicable students. The first headline we discussed was Facebook trying to buy the company named Snapchat; Snapchat denied the offer. The second headline we talked about was different energy sources, nuclear power to be specific. The majority agreed that the country should invest in more research for solar energy. We also discussed George Zimmerman, turtles, and the infamous mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford. We covered so many various topics in the span of an hour, and it was very organized. I wish that I had attended these meetings earlier in the semester because I really enjoyed it. I hope that Headliners returns next semester and that more students come out. Discussing such controversial and interesting topics and making friends in the process was such a refreshing way to spend my lunch break between classes.