Active Minds Club: Preparation for Send Silence Sailing Event

As of last week, I have been nominated as the public relations officer for the Active Minds Club of The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey. Part of my duties as an officer include, but are not limited to: spending time in the Active Minds office doing various tasks, creating flyers for numerous events that the club will participate in, and helping to plan these events out. On October 22, 2013, the Active Minds Club will be participating in the Send Silence Sailing Event, which addresses important issues such as suicide awareness, the importance of mental health, and diminishing stigmas for students on campus.

There will be games, food, and music throughout the event in order to keep everyone entertained while still spreading this important message. In addition, the Active Minds Club will be making one thousand one hundred sailboats, which represent the number of college students who have committed suicide in the last school year and their struggles. The club will be hanging the boats in front of the library on campus. There will also be club members administering surveys to determine whether or not students may be at risk of depression in the future. This is vital to the theme of the event. It can not only help students discover possible complications that they normally may not have picked up on, but also will allow them to face these problems with confidence as there will be therapists on location to talk with these students. Overall, this event will be a wonderful experience for all of those who attend, and I will recommend it to anyone who is looking to have a good time and learn something important too.