A New Experience

Last Tuesday night after my final class I decided to attend a flag football game instead of going straight home. After my last class is done I usually go right to my car and leave as soon as possible. However, my friend asked me to attend his flag football game and show some support for the team he was on. I had been to plenty of athletic events throughout high school, but I had yet to attend one at college. With that being said, I was interested to see if it would be a similar experience. The first thing that surprised me was that the games were located off campus. I had assumed the games would be taking place on the main campus. It was my first time going to these fields on Pomona Road, even though I’ve driven by them countless times.

When I arrived at the fields I found that there was a good amount of people there to support both teams. The team that I was there to support was up against a nationally ranked flag football team. It was a team of freshman verses a team of nationally ranked seniors. It was intimidating to say the least. Although the team was supporting did not generate a victory, they put up a good fight. They surprised the team of seniors with their competitive and persistent attitudes. One of the strong points that assisted the team was their speed. With many fast players on their side, they gave the team of seniors a run for their money. It was very intense, and the seniors did not have an easy win. I am glad that I attended this event because I got to see the competitive side of many students I see on a daily basis.