Intermural Flag Football

Thursday, September 19th,  was the opening day of one of Stockton’s most prestigious intermural sports, flag football. This intense version of football is a fast-paced sport with great competition and even greater intensity. Countless teams formed rather quickly and went to the required meetings for the club. Some specific teams to look out for on the field include the Gotham Rogues, the “?” team, Grandma’s boys, the Good Team, and Team ‘Merica. Relationships among fellow teammates are beginning to form, and the hunger for victory is overtaking every team in the league.

This version of football is played on a smaller field with differing rules from that of regular football. The game is fast-paced and extremely entertaining to play and watch. Thursday, September 19, was the first preseason day for many of the teams in the league. This gave some of the newer teams the time to understand the game and adapt to it to the best of their abilities. This intermural sport is a great way for new friendships to be formed, great for students to experience something different the college has to offer, and most importantly it is great for forming long-lasting memories for the future. College is the time to live life independently, to earn a quality education, and to make new friendships and memories. Flag football is a great way to take complete advantage of what Stockton College has to offer, which was demonstrated clearly during the opening preseason day on Thursday, September 19th.