Send Silence Sailing

On October 22nd, 2013 there will be an event called “Send Silence Sailing”. This event is hosted by the Active Minds Club, which I am the treasurer of. The Active Minds Club’s goal is to change perspectives on stigmas about depression, anxiety, and other temporary mental illnesses. We have events to help student cope with anxiety, depression, and stress. Our “Send Silence Sailing Event” is to raise awareness about suicide among college students. Around one thousand one hundred college students commit suicide every year. To show the effect of how much that is, we are making one thousand one hundred origami sailboats (hence the name “Send Silence Sailing”) and they will be hung in trees and around the library. We will also be having stress-releasing games and a screening test and those that feel they are suffering from depression, anxiety or other minor mental illnesses will have the opportunity to speak to on location therapists, who can give them guidance. In addition, there will be music and snacks so the event should be enjoyable for all involved whether they are seeking help or not. Although the event has not happened yet, I know it will turn out well and hopefully we will be able to help students and give them an opportunity to talk to a professional if they feel necessary without the pressure of going to a doctor’s office. In previous years, the club has done similar events such as “Send Silence Packing” featuring a thousand book bags around campus and “Send Silence Walking” with a thousand or so pairs of shoes around the school, raising suicide awareness. These events by the Active Minds club are important because they diminish stigmas and help students cope with stressors included in the college experience.