Whose Line

In the Campus Center Theatre, Theatre Club held Whose Line? a few weeks back. My roommate and I decided to check it out. It was filled with laughter and fun, and it was a nice way to spend my time on campus.

The show is based on the TV show “Whose Line Is It Anyway?” and the group of Stockton students do skits throughout the whole show like the ones they did on the TV show. The club also includes the audience by asking for suggestions for the scene of the skit and to also give suggestions before they enter for characters and one-liners. This made me feel a part of the show and made it funnier since the quotes and characters were ones that the audience knew and could relate to. One of the skits took place during Black Friday and each club member acted as a different item or person of the scene. One girl was a television and another was a little girl who got trampled by the crowds. Another skit was where audience members got selected to join the cast on stage and compete in a rhyming battle.

This event was very entertaining and I enjoyed it very much. The fact that the Theatre Club interacted so much with the audience made it more fun and I found myself