A Convocation with Mary Roach

On September 26, 2013, all freshman were asked to attend a Convocation with writer Mary Roach, author of the summer reading book Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife. During this event, Mary Roach gave students the inside scoop on the workings of her book. She talked about her travels, her struggles, and everything about being a scientific writer.

I must say, Mary Roach is a very unique individual. She has no shame in discussing the most vulgar topics and answering the most ridiculous questions. She went from talking about being in Cambridge at the medium school to discussing hyenas giving birth through their clitoris. That discussion got the crowd energetic and constantly laughing. During her entire time at the Convocation she interacted with the crowd and kept everyone interested. For example, she asked the crowd a question: What other part of your body can have an erection besides the penis? Everyone had very unique answers, but none where the right one. Come to find out the answer was the nasal cavity. This shocked everyone, and I will carry that fun fact with me forever. It was an all around fun time at the convocation with Mary Roach.

Then the conversation turned serious. Through all the laughter and crazy stories there was an underlying meaning that Roach wanted us all to understand. To paraphrase Mary Roach, curiosity is your greatest asset. If you are not curious, you are not living. She talked about how her main drive for writing her books was pure curiosity for things. She encouraged all of us to live life asking questions and looking for the answers.

I was truly inspired by Mary Roach’s presentation. She justified her book to the criticism presented, and she expressed her love for her writing and curiosity. She has encouraged me to question things and strive to find the answers based on my own will to solve the problem.