Meet the Greeks

On Thursday September 12, 2013, the Stockton Office of Student Development sponsored its annual event called “Meet the Greeks.” Upon arrival, I waited in a long line that curved out of the doors of Big Blue. The door attendant who swiped my card was excited about how big the turn out was. When I first walked in I was greeted by three rows of decorated tables, each representing one of the Greek organizations. Before attending the event I already had a couple of sororities in mind, so this set-up made it easy to locate each. The representatives for each of the three sororities I visited were extremely friendly and informative. Although I am a freshman and cannot rush until next semester, the representatives handed me flyers and suggested I attend their information sessions to get a head start.

After visiting my interested tables, I took a seat with a couple of my friends to enjoy the Greek introductions. This part of the event was very lively and upbeat. I found myself, amongst others, laughing and smiling throughout the majority of the performances. Many of the Greeks showed videos to give the audience a taste of what their organizations are all about. Most of the sororities performed their chants while most of the fraternities performed dances. It was very enjoyable to see how much fun each group was having; everyone got along so well.

I found attending this event was very helpful. At first I wondered whether Greek life was for me, but now I am excited to join a sorority next semester. This event also helped me narrow down my interests and focus on one sorority I feel is right for me. I learned that Greek life is a great opportunity to meet new friends that will last a lifetime. I highly recommend attending this event for anyone interested in Greek life here on Stockton campus.