Final Blog- about me

Since this is my last of 15 blogs I am going to tell you about what is going on next semester and the rest of my college life. So this past semester, it sounds so weird to say that, I have completed a lot of great achievements. First I was the treasurer for RHA. I had a lot of fun working with them on Building Battles, creating Game Nights, and hosting events like the Roommate Social. As treasurer I oversaw the budget and learned how to manage money and advise other people on how to spend their money. The next achievement I made was that I was elected Honors co-Director of Events. As Honors co-Director of events I organized the honors events with my counterpart. I ran events like Pizza and Pong and the Honors BBQ which is happening in this upcoming week. I learned here how to plan events and work with another person in the same position to be able to collaborate and exchange ideas about how to make the honors events more fun. Those were some of my biggest achievements and learning experience this last semester, but next semester I am looking forward to other great things. First over the summer I will be an Orientation Leader and a T.A.L.O.N. As an Orientation Leader I will be living here for a month over the summer helping the freshman learn about the campus and register for classes. As a T.A.L.O.N. I will move in early and go on the S.O.A.R. trip as well as facilitate Welcome Week Activities.  When the semester begins, however, I will no longer be treasurer for RHA as I am picking up a position as a Late Night Vice Chair for the S.E.T. team. I also will be a CARE peer mentor which is a volunteer position where I will be meeting with college students who are at risk of being kicked out of college. I will be meeting with them once a week to discuss their goals and how they can achieve their goals. I will be keeping my position as the Honors co-Director of Events and will continue to work diligently on the honors events. My school work will be harder next semester, but I am willing to put the effort forth to complete my goals and to get what I want out of college. Well I guess this is goodbye to whoever is reading. I hope that you have as fun as I did this year and will learn as much as I did too.