Adventures Off Campus

So this may not be your typical blog entry because it is not an event that happened on campus, but it is about college life in general. Last night my friends and I went driving around the area and we came across some pretty cool places. Our first stop was at an abandoned warehouse. We got out and walked around seeing the field in the back and trying to decide what used to be there. The next stop was a baseball and street hockey court that we want to come back to soon to play. There were two street hockey courts complete with nets and boxes for teams. There was a little league field, a high school field, and even a batting cage for those who have a machine to work with. It was a cute little field and we are willing to come back soon to see a game. The last stop we made, besides a wawa run, was a playground. Even as college students, we are never too old to visit a playground. We ran around in the dark trying to hide from each other and play jailbreak. There was a rock wall dome where you could slip inside between two bars or in a cutout hole. I got in through the bars, but tried to get out through the hole…I got stuck when I tried to fit my hips through. It was so much fun just fooling around like we were little again. In the end we ended up just looking up at the moon admiring the fact that we could see so many stars. That was all in one night. Other times we have driven down toward Atlantic City down the white horse pike, but before we got through the toll we turned around. There was an abandoned gas station on the side of the road that we parked at and we just spent our time looking out at the skyline. It was beautiful to see the skyline and to just enjoy the night. Other adventures we have taken include driving down to ocean city to go to the beach, driving down to my friend’s campground in new Gretna (if you don’t have a campground you can just drive down and around there just to see the trees and enjoy the night air), going to the Atlantic City Skate Zone to go ice skating, and so much more. All together I loved being here on campus and in this general area. I am excited for all the adventures that we will get into next semester as well.