Here Comes Health Science Club

            Health Science is one of Stockton’s newest majors, and the program is rapidly becoming one of the most popular among incoming students. Many would say this is due to Stockton’s strong graduate programs in Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Communication Disorders, which previously had little connection with the undergraduate curriculum. In years past, in order to advance into one of these graduate programs, students would first have to major in areas such as Biology or Psychology. One of the benefits of the Health Science major is the early exposure to the healthcare system and the various professions that must work collaboratively in the “real world.” While many Health Science students are members of clubs specific to their career interests, such as the OT or PT Clubs, there are other students who have not yet determined which field they want to go into. Additionally, some students are looking to go into healthcare administration or management.

            The Health Science degree encompasses a wide range of students, all looking to go into different professions. What we really needed was a club open to any student looking to go into a health career- and that’s exactly what we now have! I am proud to call myself one of the founding members of the Health Science Club here at Stockton, and I am so optimistic about where this club will go. In just a few short weeks, we have elected our executive board, of which I am Vice President, and set goals for both the remainder of the semester and next year. Our founder, Nadine, has a wonderful vision for expanding the membership of our club and truly making a name for ourselves on campus. Before the year is over, we will participate in Relay for Life, a beach sweep, and the Special Olympics hosted at Stockton.

            We are extremely excited about the future of our club, and encourage anyone who may be interested to stop into one of our meetings! The Health Science club operates through committees that work collaboratively to accomplish tasks in areas such as community service, events, fundraising ect. While we are looking for every opportunity to become involved for the remainder of this semester, we are even more enthusiastic about the plans we have in store for next year. Keep an eye out- Stockton Health Science will be accomplishing great things!