Winning Perspective

During Welcome Week, I joined my fellow incoming freshmen as we were corralled like sheep from one monotonous assembly to the next, and I looked for every excuse to avoid partaking in the various socially awkward festivities. I settled down in my seat at the Warrior Champions documentary, craving popcorn and praying for an epic film depicting some Roman gladiator’s gallant fight to the death.  Though my wish was not granted in such a gory fashion, my eyes were opened to an entirely new class superhuman fighters- wounded soldiers turned Olympic athletes. I entered the Warrior Champions essay contest on a whim, and was granted a prize far more valuable than any monetary reward. I was given perspective.

A few weeks after entering the contest, I received an unexpected phone call from Assistant Dean of Students Tom O’Donnell, coordinator of Veteran Affairs at Stockton, informing me that I had won. After explaining the rewards I would be granted, he asked if I would mind attending the next Veteran Affairs meeting to take pictures for the newspaper. I consented, but truly had no idea what to expect. I tried on several outfits in search of something appropriate- not too casual, not too formal.  Upon entering the room on the Thursday of the meeting, I was surprised to find so many people that easily blended into the general student population here at Stockton. The room was full of men and women who had served in various branches of the United States Military, and were now attending Stockton in hopes of furthering their education. Many of these students were several years older than me, but welcomed me graciously into their circle. I was the only person in the room who had not previously served, and I felt so miniscule in comparison to such brave people.

Attending the meeting was truly an eye-opening experience for me. Had I not been present, I would be completely unaware of how many Veterans walk in our midst every day. It was extremely humbling to hear stories of the trials they had gone through on tour, as well as the challenges they face at home. Many face financial burdens and academic struggles that seem trivial to the average student, and most of the Veterans expressed interest in making the general population more aware of their presence on campus. Stockton was named one the most Veteran-friendly colleges in the country, but it is shocking to see how unaware many students are regarding the program. At the conclusion of the meeting, I was invited to come back the first Thursday of every month to join in the planning and discussion. I was truly honored to be welcome among such real-life heroes, and that was perhaps the greatest prize of all.